2022 Year in Review

In 2022, our internship program started again, study tours traveled once more, and we deepened our work in every program area - alongside so much more!

Reading time: 6 minutes
collage of photos from articles in 2022

2022 was a busy year for us! We’ve gathered together some highlights from the year. We hope you’ll take the time to read them!


In January, we published two studies on American and EU plans to support a values-based expansion of digital connectivity in Africa. But beyond achieving their own geostrategic goals, the US & EU need to listen to African partners to foster real digital innovation and governance for the continent.

And we looked at what changes might come for German foreign policy in Europe under the so-called “Ampelkoalition,” Germany’s new government.


In February, we stated our clear and unequivocal support for our friends, colleagues, and the courageous citizens in Ukraine against Russia’s illegal invasion. Sadly, it remains relevant today. Solidarity with Ukraine.

We restarted our #GrowTheFuture study tour, which promotes the next generation of progressive voices. The participants went to the US and Canada to discuss questions of greener and more just transit.


In March, we finalized the 2021 data on Climate Funds Update. If you’ve ever wondered where climate finance goes and what it’s supposed to do, you can check out the data visualizations we have here, or read our Climate Finance Fundamentals.

We started publishing studies on the Green Climate Fund’s private sector finance. If you want to get in the weeds on the topic, these are for you!

And we gathered together previous work on the intersection of #feminism and environmental justice. It’s not enough to fight climate change – it’s got to be intersectional!


To start off April, we looked at green equity – what is it, and how can it be reorganized to effectively fight climate change? We’ve got an explainer video and policy papers if you’d like to know more!

Before the International Monetary Fund and World Bank spring meetings, we sat down with Bundestag member Deborah Düring to discuss structural policy, Germany’s role in international development policy, and inclusive prosperity.


We started May by publishing this collaborative discussion paper on Loss And Damage finance. A vital piece of a just transition, it’s important context to understand what happened later in the year at COP27.

We supported investigative reporting using cutting-edge satellite data to explore deforestation, child labor, and human rights in the mica supply chain.

We looked at the African Continental Free Trade Area, writing a policy brief and report on steps needed to guarantee it supports a green transition. What opportunities and challenges does it present for moving away from fossil fuels?

And our new Foreign & Security Policy Program Director Teresa Eder started!


In June, we looked at the ongoing effects of Covid 19 – while creating a new billionaire every 30 hours, it’s pushed a million people into poverty at exactly the same rate.

We also announced our 2022 Transatlantic Media Fellows! You can check out their profiles here, and scroll through our Twitter timeline to see their reporting. They’ve covered topics from trans rights in Texas to the integration of Ukrainian refugees in Poland.


In July, humanity collectively used up its climate budget for the whole year. To mark Earth Overshoot Day, we published interviews and beautiful portraits of five women fighting against the wasteful use of world resources.

We also welcomed Hannah Winnick back to the office as our new Executive Director!


In August, Associate Director Liane Schalatek took a deep dive into the Inflation Reduction Act. Now that US climate policy has really begun, what good is in the bill? What's lacking? And are its flaws going to generate more activism?

In cooperation with the Project on Middle East Democracy, Merve Tahiroğlu looked at the politics of immigration in Turkey before next year’s elections. How has the change from a relatively ethnically homogenous society to a much more diverse one affected the country’s politics?

For the first time, the UNFCCC is undergoing the Global Stocktake, judging the implementation of the #ParisAgreement. Alongside many other organizations, we found that the human rights dimension is seriously lacking.


In the run up to Brazil’s highly contentious elections this year, we worked with the Heinrich Böll Stiftung Rio de Janeiro to look at issues of sexism, homophobia, and democracy in the age of the algorithm. To understand the context of Lula’s presidency, it’s worth the read!

In our second year cooperating with Adapt - Internews, the second season of Privacy is Global took an artistic turn! With sci-fi stories, the season explores what a future without #DataPrivacy might look like – and why we need to fight for it today.

Alongside Cultural Vistas, we took the first trip of DAICOR 2022 to Germany. Visiting Berlin and Hamburg, we had far-ranging discussions about memory culture and historical reckoning in the US and Germany, and the gaps that still need filling.


In October we combined older work and new articles setting the stage for COP27. From questions about climate justice to technical details on Loss And Damage, it covers the full spectrum of what you need to know about international climate negotiations.

We announced the first- year participants for our Feminist Foreign and Development Policy fellowhip. In November the fellows went to DC and New York to discuss an inclusive and intersectional approach to policy-making and practice with stakeholders and policy makers.

Global Development Policy Program Director Philipp Kuehl traveled to the Feminist Development Policy Conference, and brought this takeaway back: governments committed to defending democracy must listen to the demands of local feminist movements.


In November, we continued our research into Turkey’s 2023 elections. Merve Tahiroğlu looked at political patronage, clientelism, and the economic crisis. The relationship between the three could decide if Turkey gets a new president in 2023.

We looked at the 2022 midterms from a number of angles. How has TikTok affected American democracy? What role does climate change play for American voters? And how have women candidates influenced the debate on women’s right? We published the articles in German, too!


To wrap up the year, we’ve opened up applications for spring internships! If you’re a current BA or MA student looking for experience in DC and interested in one or more of our program areas, make sure to apply!

We’re also hiring a new Office Manager. If you’re starting your career and want to work in a values-based, collaborative environment, apply on or before January 8th!

Our internships and job postings are all here.

Associate Director Liane Schalatek went deep into the climate finance implications of COP27. While a Loss And Damage Fund was approved, the prospects for adequate climate finance are dim.