Green Climate Fund (GCF) Dossier This dossier provides background information and resources on the Green Climate Fund and our involvement in it.
Making the Green Climate Fund “effective” soon – in a lasting way The Green Climate Fund, striving to be fully operational by the Paris climate summit in December, missed its "effectiveness date" at the end of April, an important deadline giving the Fund the authority to begin making funding commitments. This analysis provides a status update on what the Fund needs to not only "open for business" soon, but also move lastingly beyond "business as usual." By Liane Schalatek
Special Focus: Green Climate Fund This dossier comprises all important information about the Green Climate Fund, including: Gender Implementation, Transitional Commitees and Official Documents
Success is More than Just One Big Figure! The first ever pledging conference for the new Green Climate Fund will be held in Berlin, Germany on November 20th. Anything less than USD 10 billion in confirmed pledges could be seen as a sign that rich countries are not supportive of the Fund and spell trouble for the climate talks in Lima, Peru beginning in just two weeks. But at stakes is much more than just one big figure, according to Liane Schalatek. By Liane Schalatek
Gender in the GCF Designed to "promote the paradigm shift towards low-carbon and climate resilient development pathways," the GCF is the first climate fund with a gender mainstreaming mandate from the outset of its operations.
GCF Board Meetings: Related Reports hbs North America has accompanied the process for the operationalization of the GCF from its very beginning, including in the design phase of the Transitional Committee, with analysis and reports for each meeting.
CSO Submissions and Advocacy Calls hbs Washington, DC and other civil society organizations have been active in shaping the GCF's operations, striving for fair, gender-equitable and transformational outcomes. Read CSO submissions to the GCF and CSO public advocacy calls here.
Relevant GCF Publications by CSO Partners A growing coalition of international civil society organizations works with constructive input and analysis to make the GCF the best multilateral climate fund possible. Read some of our partners' publications here.
“Sub-optimal” Outcome in the Transitional Committee – No Consensus on the Design of the Green Climate Fund The seven months long process to design a new Green Climate Fund, on which a 40 member Transitional Committee has embarked since the end of April, ended at the fourth TC Meeting in Cape Town with a "sub-optimal" outcome as TC members failed to reach a consensus on a draft governing instrument for the Fund. By Liane Schalatek
Design Challenges for the Green Climate Fund This paper offers an early contribution to the debate by highlighting some of the more pressing design issues and describing the implications of these features.